Transfer Tuesday Was a Success!

Ronwaldo Ray Silverio. \\ February 11, 2020.

“Exploring transfer opportunities?” says a campuswide email sent by Chabot College to students. For those who haven’t got the message, the Transfer Center is organizing Tuesday workshops this semester to help students transfer to their university of choice on Feb. 11, Feb. 18, March 17, March 31, April 14, and April 21. All workshops are from 12-1 p.m. in room 758.

Topics being covered will include the basics of transferring, funding your transfer education, transfer admission guarantees, and applying to schools like CSUs, UCs, and private schools. Representatives from universities will also be present to talk with students looking for specific school-related information. Students will be asked to bring copies of transcripts from all colleges and universities attended, high school transcripts, and any Advanced Placement (AP) scores and/or International Baccalaureate (IB) scores.

Sponsored by the Chabot College Transfer Center located on the second floor of Building 700, the Center provides services and resources to support students through the transfer process. The Center hosts workshops every year, and this semester is the first time all workshops will be part of a titled series.

Frances Fon, a counselor who’s been working with the Transfer Center for ten years, is organizing the series of events. She came up with the idea of the series through looking at the most common topics brought up by students she’s seen. “I’m finding that if we put it together as a series, students can learn and obtain more information that they want and digest information that they need. They can then partner with their counselor to take the implications from what they learned and develop their plan for transfer.”

To expand outreach, Chabot College sent out a campuswide email to students on January 30. Transferring student Lydia Vasquez heard of Transfer Tuesdays, but does not intend to go. However, she “feels as though for students who don’t know a lot of these things, this would be really helpful. Especially when there are other students going through the same thing as you there, and you get to have small group discussions to figure things out.”

Fon hopes that through attending, “students will not only have more clarity in their own transfer direction, but I hope they can walk away with their personal next steps. That’s my goal, to make students feel they know where they’re at in the transfer process, and then the next step can be to go see a counselor, or to go talk to a college representative.”

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