Saturday Cafeteria Grand Opening a Non-starter

Miranda Carloss. \\ October 31, 2017.

The Saturday Café will not be open as announced from 7:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. due to a lack of attendance during the pilot program which opened on Oct 21, 2017. The grand opening did not result in enough revenue for a successful outcome.

There are various reasons for the low attendance. A cafeteria worker commented that on that Saturday, “there were few in attendance… and no advertisement.” The local Flea Market was also active at this time, located in the Student Parking Lot G. This may have drawn people away who otherwise would have used the cafeteria.

Students on Saturday usually are attending classes on the opposite end of the campus. This may have been another reason for the limited attendance.

The main entrance doors to the cafeteria were not opened and the automatic sliding doors from the rear were the only entrance that Saturday.

More advertisement and better attendance will be needed for this program to continue.

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