Registration Checklist

Enrique Zarate. \\ November 30, 2018.

Chabot students the time has come to start registering for your Spring 2019 semester classes. Here is some information on what you need to stay on track with your educational goals.

First, it’s important to be aware of when your registration date is, you can quickly check this by just signing into your CLASS-Web. There you will instantly see a message that says “you may register on or after this day.”

If you don’t know how to get into CLASS-Web simply go to the Chabot College website and click “Register @ CLASS-Web.” From there just enter your W number and your pin which should be your date of birth.

Your registration date might also be emailed to you, so make sure you can access your Zonemail. To access your Zonemail go to CLASS-Web and click “what is my email?” your email will then be displayed, the password should be the same as your CLASS-Web unless you changed it.

Remember there is always help on campus.

After you’ve done this, you can go to the Chabot College website again and under the “Admissions & Aid” tab click “Registration.” From there you can find a variety of things that will help you in your registration process. For example under “New, returning, and continuing students” you will find a step by step list of what you should do when registering.”

Meeting with a counselor before picking your classes is always a great way to make sure you’re following your path to graduate or transfer as soon as possible. To make an appointment go to building 700, room 752.

There are also groups that help students out, Isaiah, a Psychology student at Chabot College, said, “I’m going into my second semester, I’m part of first year experience (FYE), it’s like a pathway for what major you choose, they kind of have a layout already that you can select classes from. The only thing I have to decide is like any extra classes like math and English, other than that I’m just following the path.

This program is great for students in their first year, it’s an excellent way to start college on the right track. You can find more information on this program by visiting the Chabot College website and typing “FYE” into the search bar, there you will be lead to information on the program.

The Spring semester will begin on Jan. 14, 2019. The last day to add classes is Feb. 3. Take this information into account, and good luck.

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