Nick Harvey: Running for Everything

Magda Heilborn. \\ November 6, 2018.

A resident of Fairview, Nicholas Harvey is an avid cyclist and uses the AC buses often. Harvey has been fed up with the poor conditions of Hayward and Fairview roads, sidewalks and the efficiency of the bus lines.

Harvey decided to run for office because he felt the unincorporated areas surrounding Hayward (such as Castro Valley and Fairview) were not being properly represented. This has led to potholes, damaged or missing sidewalks, and poorly run busses.

In response to these problems, he decided to run for not one, but FIVE offices.

He has interests in each of these, particularly EBMUD, as he is concerned with rate increases. He studied desalination processes in Israel and plans to advocate for that process here in the Bay Area.

In AC transit, Harvey would like to decrease bus size for some lines, but increase bus service, which he says would support the community better. “I would advocate for more bus service in general and specifically having more forms of on-demand service for less traveled routes. However, the 22 was known as a well-used route so it confounds many people as to why it was eliminated in the first place. The motto for the new rollout of AC Transit is “better, smarter, faster service” and this could not be further from the truth for residents of South Hayward.” Harvey said.

Harvey is running for a seat on the school board because the sidewalk issue near the school falls under their jurisdiction, not AC transit, or the Department of Transportation.

Harvey has been challenged by opponent Frank Mellon, the incumbent from EBMUD, who has run unopposed since 1994. Mellon claims Harvey is running for too many offices, hasn’t released candidate statements, and if he wins more than one, might be in conflicting roles, which would require a special election, which could cost the city over $1 million.

Harvey responded that “Mudslinging Mellon is just upset that someone less experienced is challenging his position on the board, and none of the offices I’m currently running for will conflict.”

Mellon refused to comment further on the issue.

Harvey explained, “Currently EBMUD has a tiered system, and when someone reaches a higher tier of usage, it tops out, and those on lower tiers actually subsidize that use. Essentially, as a regular water user, you pay for someone else’s excess usage.” Harvey wants to curb that problem.

Harvey has business experience, and claims this is most beneficial, given the type of role he would be playing on each board. He does have experience applying for grants, and how that process works, though it isn’t clear how that would relate to in a board position.

Harvey supports board member Lisa Brenner, unlike many board members, he feels she listens to her constituents and others who want to make Hayward and the surrounding towns better.

Nick Harvey is 26 years old, formerly a chemist at Lawrence Livermore Labs, he is currently an entrepreneur, and sells slabs of redwood. Harvey wants to hear from the people in and around Hayward and asks that you contact him by phone or email, and check out his website:

(925) 421-0118

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