Disabled Students Resource Center

Alexander Conover. \\ December 11, 2017.

Chabot College is full of diverse students. Each has their own personality, their own mind and their own ways of studying and learning. People use their notepads, maybe physically writing things down helps them remember the information. Unfortunately, there are also others who have trouble learning, some who don’t learn the same way. It takes the extra effort to learn the same material, but there is one place on campus that can help with that.

The Disabled Students Resource Center can help these students through what could have been a difficult semester by offering the services they need to aid them throughout the semester and beyond. At the DSRC, tutors are also available to help students understand the material, as well as a “High-tech center,” adaptive technologies for students with disabilities. The services include text to braille converters, computers for students with low vision and scanners.

The DSRC also hosts events to raise awareness around disabilities and the struggle of daily life. The Able-Disabled Club exists to aid students by planning social gatherings, as well as providing campus awareness for students with disabilities. Every year they host a Disability Awareness Day during the spring season to help all kinds of students understand and cope with disabilities, as well as provide food and host sports events.

The Disabled Students Resource Center is committed to providing all the help a student needs to get through their semester. If you would like to help these students, you can sign up as a tutor at the DSRC in Building 2400. If you would like more information about the DSRC, you can pick up a copy of the DSRC Disabled Students Resource Center Magazine at Building 2400, or you can find it online on the Chabot College website. You can also see one of the many counselors at the DSRC is you have any more questions.

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