Board of Trustees Update

Sonny Alvarado. \\ May 23, 2018.

Chabot-Las Positas Community College District held their scheduled Board of Trustees meeting May 15, 6:30 p.m. at Chabot in building 200. Vice President Ron Gerhard was appointed our new District Vice Chancellor of Finance. The Board had also met Chabot’s new head basketball coach, Keenan K. McMiller.

Student Senators and President Zaheer Ebtikar gave an enlightening presentation about their Washington D.C. trip back in March of this year. Visiting museums, monuments, and American Student Association of Community Colleges (ASACC) conference with students from 32 other states, the Student Senate came back inspired.

The Board was engaged by the advocacy done by the students at the national level. Former State Senator Ellen Corbett, former Student Senate President Ben Nash, and Student Life Director Arnold Paguio supported the students on the trip.

The DECA club also reported on a trip to New York with Officer Lowry, Dr. Pinkas, and a few students. Afterward, Faculty Senate President Laurie Dockter presented an award on behalf of the Faculty Senate to President Dr. Charlotte Lofft. She expressed the gratitude of all for Charlotte’s fantastic leadership. Both will be retiring after years of outstanding service.

On Wednesday, May 16, in an email sent to the district from Chancellor Jackson reads, “At last night’s Board of Trustees’ meeting, a majority (5-2) of the Board chose not to renew my contract.  I respect their right to do that. I look forward to another year of working with you and serving the students of CLPCCD. I also look forward to seeing you at commencement!”

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