Hopes high for election

Spectator Staff. \\ April 20, 1977.

With the hope for increased voter turnout, the Associated Students of Chabot College (A.S.C.C) elections will begin Tuesday, April 26.

Continuing until 9:00 p.m. on the 28th, the elections determine who will occupy the executive student offices at Chabot.

In recent elections, voter response has been very poor. In last year’s election, for example, only 550 votes were cast.

According to Sue Levisque Co-Chairman of the Elections

A concerted effort on behalf of the Elections Committee is underway to familiarize both day and night students with the election and the candidates.

Yesterday during college hour in the cafeteria, candidates fielded questions from students, and a televised debate in which candidates discuss their views will be shown on K.C.C. every day, beginning this week and ending on the 25th.

Tomorrow a pep rally .will be held at 11:00 a.m . in front of the bookstore in order to introduce the candidates and stimulate voter turnout.

Voter participation, or lack of it, is not the only concern in the upcoming election. Lack of participation by potential candidates is also a problem.

Of the six offices, only two, the President and Commissioner of Social and Cultural, have more than one candidate.

The offices of Executive and Administrative Vice-President along with the offices of the Treasury and Commissioner of Publicity have only one confirmed candidate and accordit1g to the A.S.C.C. Election code these candidates automatically win.

This situation is another which Levisque attributes to lack of knowledge. “Students don’t know how to get involved or what it takes to be a candidate” she explains.

An amendment to the ASCC Constitution which will extend the time for the Spring Quarter executive elections from four to six weeks will be on the ballot.

It is hoped by the Elections Committee that the extra two weeks will allow for better exposure of the candidates, and will increase student participation.

Another key problem is that people don’t understand what the function of student government is. States Levisque, “The job of student government is to make decisions on anything that happens on campus which will benefit all students”

The polls will open at 9:00 a.m. on the 26th and will be located at the Bookstore, then Quad and the Student Center.

The results of the election will be posted within one school day after the close of the election on April 28th.

Those students who ill have the opportunity to be the decision makers at Chabot are: President Elise Fisher and James Crosby. A third candidate, a Hendrickson, has not been qualified at this date. Executive Vice-President- America Douglas Cintron

Administrative Vice-President- Beverly Hoffman Treasurer- Daniel O’Rourke Commissioner of Publicity- Kathy Marie Friesen

Commissioner of Social and Cultural Mike Heavin, Elaine Macklin, and Viqui Denman.

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