A New Biology Building

Sonny Alvarado. \\ May 24, 2018.

Tuesday, May 15, was an eventful day for Chabot College and its future. First, a Ground Breaking Ceremony for a new biology building was held from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Later, the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Board of Trustees Meeting began at 6:30 p.m.

Several Board of Trustees members attended the Groundbreaking Ceremony such as Dr. Jannett Jackson, Chancellor,  and Dr. Marshall Mitzman, Board President. Chabot College President Dr. Susan Sperling, lead with opening announcements, “When I met with professors, it wasn’t an ask for support it was a tell. You’re going to do this because this facility drastically needs to be brought up to a twenty-first-century standard that includes students first and foremost and their learning.”

The new biology building phase 1 marks the last major project of the funding from Measure B which was passed back in 2014. “With this project here at Chabot Measure B is now 99 percent and committed. This project is essentially the end of Measure B and long live Measure A because we have a lot more to do.” Chancellor Jackson.

With red ribbons on golden shovels, Board of Trustees members and Chabot Instructors began digging, completing the ceremonial groundbreaking.

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