Diversity Day

Charlie Elliott Harris. \\ December 13, 2017.
On November 13 at 1 p.m. in the Ceasar Chavez Plaza, The Spectator had the opportunity to witness KCRH’s first Diversity Day. Students had the opportunity to learn how diverse Chabot College actually is. Diversity Day was also joined by Chabot College’s library, which provided resources such as books about different cultures for students to further educate themselves.
The festival offered students not only the chance to become knowledgeable of different cultures on campus but provide a chance to relax between classes. Many students were not aware of the event, but many were intrigued about what was happening. Activities included an interactive drum circle joined by The Spectator’s own Lorenzo Caballero and Sonny Alvarado as well as fresh fruit for snacking courtesy of “Nesions Unite.”
Diversity Day brought out students that happened to see the event and join in with the interactive activities. The event gave a platform to showcase developed clubs such as: Nesions Unite. When asked about what exactly is Nesions Unite, Taufa Setefamo, Nesions Unites’ club leader, stated, “Nesions Unite was created so that all Nesions know that there’s a club that has resources, and build a community.” All members of Nesions Unite made sure to enlighten students on their club information, everything down to the three categories of Pacific Islanders
Chabot Student Joan Cortez, a Member of the Justice Art Collective Program, explained the Umoja Organization, “An education community that is aimed toward African American students and African American studies.” This raised the question of “What ethnicity do you identify as?” He explained that he identified as a Latino male but specified that his mother was from a region in Mexico where they had more African roots as well.
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