2021 Chabot College Campus Break-Ins

Michaela Mateo. \\ December 11, 2021.

Chabot Campus Security reported a campus auto burglary in March 2021, with a catalytic converter taken out of a vehicle in broad daylight located in parking lot F right across the B1100 building. 

Two incidents followed in the month of July, including a burglary at a construction trailer parked within campus and an attempted burglary/vandalism in an office inside building B2000, was reported. Force was used on both locations, a door and a window was broken into during the nighttime hours, however no loss was recorded. 

The Chabot College fall semester began with continued success of hybrid online and on-campus class meetings. However, unbeknownst to most students and staff, mysterious break-ins have occurred well before the start and have since continued within the college campus during the academic semester

Throughout August to September, at least 11 robberies/attempted robberies were reported to campus security. Almost all incidents targeted buildings designated for the Arts and Theater department, only one being another auto burglary in Lot B during an athletic event. 

There were many reports with locked classrooms and staff only rooms that were forcefully broken into. A locked classroom was pried open in order to gain access to two students’s personal belongings while they were still within campus. Damages to school property and vandalism also occurred. 

While most burglaries are considered B&E’s (breaking and entering), there are reports of theft that used no force. An office in B1100, had a window that was left open and thus was accessible from the outside, and a laptop was stolen. Trespassing took place in a “locked” faculty men’s restroom; yet no force was used to gain entry. Unfortunately, there were a number of  classrooms and facilities that were left unsecured, therefore the burglaries were highly successful. 

The Theater department’s Stage One building was broken into twice. The first robbery involved several electronic equipment, especially laptops, that were stolen which belonged to the department for students to use. They were placed in a locked cabinet, however, the perp(s) had knowledge of an opening or gap underneath in order to reach the devices. The second burglary, there were serious damages and vandalism that took place, yet no loss was found. In several offices and classrooms belonging to the department, a rock was used to break windows and was used as an acces point to loot various media equipment. 

In the event of a motor vehicle theft, engine parts, specifically a catalytic converter, was coveted in those incidents and no other loss was reported. 

Although there were incidents with evidence of no property or petty loss, more often than not, there was a higher rate of successful break-ins and robberbies recorded, with several victims and damagaes done on school property. On that note, it may be taken into consideration that there are items, such as media equipment, that are highlighted as main objectives made by the perpetrator(s) to take and steal.

These datas are collected and recorded under the Clery act; a federal law that requires colleges and universities to disclose certain timely and annual information about campus crime and security policies. All public and private institutions of postsecondary education participating in federal student aid programs are subject to it. 

The Clery Act originated from Howard & Connie Clery and named after their daughter Jeanne, who was raped and murdered at Lehigh University Bethelehem, Pennsylvania in 1986. The bill was enacted by Congress and signed into law by President George Bush in 1990 as the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990. The law was made in order to allow transperancy to the public and for schools to be made liable for the victims that suffer throught the heinous crimes commited within thier campuses. 

Published Annual Security Reports are completed and updated every year by October 1st and must contain 3 years’ worth of campus crime statistics and security policy statements. 

According to the clery reports from 2018-2020, criminal offences totaled to a number of 22 reported incidents, ranging from sexual crimes and burglary. Law violations were also listed, such as weapons possession (1) and drug possessions (5) and liquor possession (3). Less than half ended in actual arrests. 

Notifications can be found within the Chabot College website under Campus Safety and Security– Jeanne Clery Act; Annual Security Reports (ASRs). 

Lastly, a message from President Susan Sperling and Chabot Campus Safety & Security;

“We are increasing Safety and Security patrols across all campus areas and consolidating in person classes to several buildings where possible so that other sites can be locked and secured. We are also expanding administrative presence across campus areas.

Ultimately this is a multi-layered approach that we can all help play a part. Security reports that classroom doors are not always locked as people get used to the new system!  Please make sure when leaving a class, meeting room, or office that you always press the inside button to lock the door.”  

Moreover, please consider the following safety tips:

“See something Say Something” 

* Be aware of your surroundings.

* Always report suspicious behavior.

* Always secure valuables in a safe place.

* Always close and lock all doors and windows to your office, classroom, and vehicle.

* Always take your keys with you, even if you leave for only a short time

* Do not lend your keys to any unauthorized person

* Always hide valuables so they cannot be seen through windows.

It is very troubling that there are staff and students who suffered damage and irreplacable losses in their academic careers. Criminal offences, no matter how big or small- with or without loss, must be reported and under no circumstances be disregarded or ignored. 


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